martedì 5 febbraio 2013

Friday night out + New purchases!

Hey everyone :D!
I'm quite happy because for once I didn't have to take pictures of my outfit: someone else did it for me :D
Last friday me and my cousin - since we can't get our friends to come to the disco XD - went dancing :D and I finally got to dress up a little bit. Well: this kind of outfit feels like going around in a pajama to me, but compared to all the other patrons I quite stood out XD oh well, I guess I just have higher standards for fashion. :°D

Yep, those are the belt and the skirt from last post :D neat huh?

That ring is the Vivienne Westwood replica I was talking about a few posts ago :D

Uhm, I'm not sure how I feel about this outfit. I have a sense that it would look better on people who are skinnier than I am. Don't I look like the porno version of nu goth or whatever this is (I can't tell nu goth from hipster goth XD)? And in fact, curvy girls like me should avoid miniskirts and cleavages, but I thought that black would help T_T
By the way I'm still convinced this is a good outfit XD just... not for me, that's all :D.

And my new purchases:

Aww! I've always wanted a fascinator hat! But they cost so fuckin' much.
I spotted it on a non-goth shop and it was cuter than a lot of fascinators I've seen in alternative shops (or in Accessorize, where you can find as many as you want, if you're willing to spend 40 to 50 euros). It cost €8: definitely a lucky find! It's exactly how I wanted it: black, ruffly, lacy, with a veil and a rose <3

And the belt <3 I needed a waist belt to go together with this dress. It's very pretty but I don't know, I feel very exposed in this tight minidress, so at least I wanted to cover my belly :D a dress like this shows even the littlest flaw, you know XD and since I can do nothing for my butt, I decided to hide my tummy as much as I could XD (also, I'm going to wear it with leggings, but right know I didn't have the time to look for a pair that matched the ensemble XD)
Plus it can go with long sweaters and other dresses, I think that me and this belt will do wonders together.

Finally, I have a question for you :O I already asked it on Ladies in Black, but maybe some of you who read my blog can help me.
I want to buy my boyfriend a claddagh ring:

There are italian online shops that sell them but I don't know if they're original claddaghs and by the way I don't trust italian sellers :°D so I was wondering if any of you knows a good european online shop that sells them at reasonable price. I really want to give my boyfriend this ring and I'd like to buy a very good one.
I'm also wondering if it's ok for girls to give it to boys, 'cause I've only seen it going the other way round... also, I saw a men's version of this ring:

 So is the one on the other picture something that only girls wear? Maybe it's considered too "feminine"? I like the other one way more, but I don't want to make my boyfriend uncomfortable. What should I do ?__?
Help would be very much appreciated xD!

Thank you for reading and have a nice week :)

17 commenti:

  1. Your outfit is really cute!

    I'm not sure of the custom of giving a claddagh, but if you were to give your boyfriend a claddagh ring, I'd go with the second one because a thin band is usually indicative of a female's ring.

    1. Thanks ^^!

      Yea, that's what I thought too :/ maybe claddaghs work differently but I have no way to know that :O

  2. I think you look lovely in your outfits. You have a perfect healthy looking body. The miniskirt is cool, I would definitely not look good in that (pity).

    1. Aw, thank you! You mean the black leather one? I bet you'd look awesome in that skirt instead. And even if you didn't, who cares, as long as you like it :D! (I like that skirt so much that I'll wear it again a million times, regardless of if it's flattering to my body line or not ù_u)

  3. I dont agree with you at all that you should be skinnier for that outfit! I think it suits you very well :D If I were curvier I would not avoid cleavage, I tell you that xD I wish I had some boobs actually, haha.

    I hope you find that ring you are looking for ^^

    1. That's so sweet, thank you <3
      You know, I usually don't avoid cleavage, I'm a fan of corsets, so it's not like I mean to hide it. But this time I wasn't looking for an exposing outfit so I was a bit disappointed 'cause actually it exposed a lot XD I was used to see this kind of skirt on models on lookbook and I hadn't realized it would've looked a teenie-weenie different on me xD
      But oh well, bugger that. I love it and I'm going to wear it again.

      Actually I found the ring but I don't know how my boyfriend found out i was going to buy it O_O how on earth did he got it? Does he read my fucking mind o___o?

  4. I really like the first outfit, but find the very fitting dress not so flattering on you. Maybe it's just the bright colour, but I like the leather skirt much better!

    1. Yeah, I don't really like how it looked on me... I guess it's because of the bare legs, the ensemble looks a little bit tacky ''XD

  5. Sono capitata sul tuo blog per caso, ma l'ho già inserito tra i preferiti, hai un sacco di cose meravigliose *_*
    Inoltre siamo anche future colleghe, anche io studio traduzione :P
    Posso approfittare di questo post di complimenti per chiederti dove hai trovato la borsa damascata della Demonia?è meravigliosa e la voglio XD
    Attendo impaziente il tuo prossimo post, ciao :)

    1. Grazie mille!
      La borsa che ti piace si trova in questo sito (click)
      Dove studi traduzione :)? Io mi devo iscrivere a settembre a Milano :D
      Grazie del commento, torna pure quando vuoi ^^!

    2. Grazie mille, gentilissima :D per ora ce l'hanno solo viola, spero torni disponibile a breve in nero.
      Studio a Trieste :) a Milano c'è proprio traduzione saggistica? :)
      alla prossima ^^

    3. In effetti in nero l'avevo presa l'anno scorso :/ mi spiace!
      A Milano c'è una magistrale in traduzione che si suddivide in letteraria, tecnico-scientifica e audiovisiva :) io ho scelto quella letteraria, ma suppongo che includa anche la saggistica ^^
      A presto e grazie ancora di essere passata!

  6. Risposte
    1. Grazie, dirò a mia mamma che sono piaciuti XD! (Glieli ho rubati XD)
      Peccato che siano marroni, fossero neri sarebbero perfetti.

  7. You look so cute! I also love the hat. As for cladduagh ring, the one I got from my ex (when we were still dating) was ordered from Ireland. I don't know how helpful that is...

    1. Thank you! Oh, the hat is so cute, I just have to wait for the spring to wear it with an appropriate outfit.
      In the end I didn't buy him a Claddagh ring 'cause somehow he'd figure out what I was going to give him, and made me understand he wasn't that into this idea °_° so I bought him a boardgame instead xD

    2. I need to come up with some outfits to wear my little hats with. I have four of them!

      Darn boyfriends always ruining plans. :P
